

Santé publique France

Getting teenagers to move is not easy.

Today, 67% of boys and 80% of girls between the ages of 11 and 14 do not meet the recommendations in terms of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle (source: Esteban study 2014-2016).

Various studies on the physical activity of children and teenagers show that parental support has a major influence on physical activity. The problem is that their state of exhaustion has never been so high as after the pandemic, reducing their ability to encourage their children.

To motivate teenagers to move a little more every day, Santé publique France and Romance are launching a campaign to support parents, which shows with love, humour and accuracy, the resistance that parents show when faced with their teenagers’ repeated “no”. The film aims to remind all parents that they are not alone, and that they should not be discouraged by this farandole of sighs, pouts, grunts and “no’s”, because encouragement always pays off in the end.

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